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Group in Age Care activity

Group in Age Care activity

Elderly Man walking stick - Carer helpping Up

Elderly Man walking stick - Carer helpping Up

Elderly Lady with Son and Grandson

Elderly Lady with Son and Grandson

Elderly Lady with Carer 2

Elderly Lady with Carer 2

Elderly Lady Confused with Husband

Elderly Lady Confused with Husband

Elderly Lady - Nurse Blood Pressure

Elderly Lady - Nurse Blood Pressure

Ambulance Inside BACK

Ambulance Inside BACK



Elderly Ladies Doing Exercise

Elderly Ladies Doing Exercise

Ambulance & Paramedic

Ambulance & Paramedic

Health & Aged Care Funding

In 2025, Australia's aged care sector is undergoing major changes following findings from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The final report (released in 2021) detailed 148 recommendations to significantly reform the sector.

In response, the federal government announced a five-pillar aged care reform plan (to be delivered over five years), addressing home care, residential aged care services and sustainability, residential aged care quality and safety, workforce, and governance.

Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards, a new Aged Care Act, and an Aged Care Taskforce to review funding arrangements for aged care, have been central to this response. The new Aged Care Act will come into effect on 1 July 2025, marking a pivotal shift in how Australia's aged care system operates. The Act will address the challenges faced by older Australians, aged care providers, workers, and the broader sector, placing the rights and needs of older people at the core of the system.


The Aged Care Reform Roadmap outlines the key milestones for implementing these changes, spanning from October 2022 to July 2025. The roadmap highlights crucial elements of the reforms, such as the Support at Home Program and strengthened quality standards, which will significantly impact care delivery across both home and residential settings. As the sector prepares for these major shifts, the Federal Government continues to update the roadmap to keep all stakeholders informed about the ongoing reforms and their anticipated impact.

The introduction of the new Act and its accompanying reforms represents a critical effort to modernise aged care in Australia, ensuring it is responsive to the evolving needs of older people and providers while maintaining high standards of care and accountability.

Through the National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA), the Australian Government contributes funds to the states and territories for public hospital services, and will contribute about $133.6 billion between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2025.

Overall federal spending on health and aged care in 2024–25 is $146.1 billion, with a five-year commitment to invest $10.7 billion, including $8.5 billion in health and $2.2 billion in aged care. This includes investments to strengthen Medicare ($2.8 billion), deliver cheaper medicines ($4.3 billion) and invest in a fit and healthy Australia ($1.3 billion).

For more health and aged care funding information (including grants), see the categories below. Each of these categories — as seen in Australian Health & Aged Care Resource Guide — are chosen based on where government funding is allocated.

Stethoscope - Heart - White Background

Stethoscope - Heart - White Background

Torso Blue Scrubs with Tablet in Hands

Torso Blue Scrubs with Tablet in Hands

Young Lady - Teeth Clean

Young Lady - Teeth Clean

Pills in Heart - Stethoscope - Yellow BG

Pills in Heart - Stethoscope - Yellow BG

Nurse with Elderly Woman - Blood Pressure

Nurse with Elderly Woman - Blood Pressure

Medical Staff 4 in Dark Blue

Medical Staff 4 in Dark Blue

Female Doctor and Nurse with Patient on bed

Female Doctor and Nurse with Patient on bed

Medical Staff 5 - Meeting

Medical Staff 5 - Meeting

Medical Staff 5 - Blue Scrubs

Medical Staff 5 - Blue Scrubs

Group in White Lab Coats Hands in Middle

Group in White Lab Coats Hands in Middle

Elderly Lady with 5 Medical Staff

Elderly Lady with 5 Medical Staff

Elderly Lady on Walker with 2 Nurses

Elderly Lady on Walker with 2 Nurses

Category Selection

A | C | D | E | F | H | I | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T

  • After Care (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant Opportunity: Young Care Home Support Grants offer funding for individuals aged 16 to 65 with a permanent physical disability and extreme functional impairment, helping them transition to appropriate housing. Both individuals and eligible organisations—such as government and non-government entities with adequate Public Liability insurance and current financial records—can apply. Read more Grant Opportunity: Cancer Patient Care Program is a grant opportunity aimed at ensuring all Australians living with cancer have access to high-quality, culturally safe support throughout their cancer experience. Activities funded may include medical professional education, prevention and support initiatives, and the development of culturally appropriate resources for diverse communities, with a total funding pool of $16.5 million available. Read more Youngcare’s At Home Care Grants (AHCG) provide one-off funding of up to $10,000 for young people aged 16-65 with high care needs, to help them remain living at home rather than entering inappropriate housing. The grants support items such as medical equipment, home modifications, respite, and support services that cannot be funded through other means like the NDIS. Eligible individuals must be at risk of entering inappropriate housing, living with a physical disability, and residing in Australia. Non-government organisations can also apply on behalf of individuals. Read more Commonwealth Home Support Program 2025-2027 Funding Extension. The extension of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), announced on 28 November 2023, provides up to $7.22 billion in funding for the period 2025-2027. This funding will support existing directly funded CHSP providers in delivering entry-level aged care services to frail, older Australians aged 65 and over (or 50 and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people). Read more The Support at Home (SaH) Program provides one-off grants of $10,000 to HCP and CHSP providers for IT system upgrades, ensuring compliance with new reporting obligations under the SaH program, the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), and the Aged Care Act 2024, ahead of the SaH program's full implementation in July 2025. Eligible entities include Indigenous Corporations, companies, government bodies, cooperatives, and incorporated associations. Read more The CHSP Emergency and Critical Need 2024-25 grant opportunity provides financial support to CHSP providers to respond to unforeseen and exceptional circumstances. Applications for emergency one-off funding will be accepted from 19 December 2024 until 31 March 2025, while recurrent funding applications can be submitted until 30 April 2025. The funding can assist with emergencies such as natural disasters, pandemics, equipment failure, and critical needs arising from viability concerns or service shortages, particularly due to provider withdrawals impacting service availability and continuity of care. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $30.4 million of funding will be allocated over three years to states and territories to continue the Specialist Dementia Care Program. This program provides support for individuals experiencing severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, helping them receive care outside of traditional residential aged care facilities. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $1.7 million of funding for the Australian Dementia Network to further prepare the health system for advancements in biomarkers and disease-modifying therapies. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $882.2 million to alleviate hospital pressure by providing older Australians with necessary medical support in safe and comfortable environments when hospitalisation is not required, thereby freeing up beds for patients in need of acute care. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $531.4m to provide an extra 24,100 Home Care Packages. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $10.8 million over two years to extend programs aimed at improving palliative care outcomes and skills. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $190 million for the Transition Care Program to provide short-term care, helping seniors recover following a hospital stay. Read more The Albanese Government is establishing an Aged Care Transition Taskforce to guide the implementation of the new Aged Care Act from 1 July 2025, and is offering eligible providers grants of up to $10,000 to support IT changes required for the reforms, as part of a broader $5.6 billion investment to improve aged care over the next 30 years. Read more The 2024-25 Federal Budget provides $56.8 million over five years from 2023–24 to expand the Acute to Residential Care Transition Service dementia program, supporting the transition of long-stay dementia patients from hospitals into residential aged care as part of a broader initiative to facilitate earlier discharge for older people. Read more Carer Gateway is an Australian Government program providing free services and support for carers. Read more VICTORIA The Transition Care Program (TCP) in Victoria helps older people avoid long hospital stays or premature admission to residential care by providing support such as case management, therapy, and personal care, allowing them to recover in a non-hospital setting and plan their long-term care. The program is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and state governments and involves a person-centred approach, with a case manager working with recipients to develop and update a care plan. Read more The Victoria state budget 24/25 includes $70 million for aged care and palliative services, with $38 million dedicated to extending the state's specialist palliative care services. This funding will provide end-of-life care for Victorians in aged care facilities, hospitals, and, importantly, in their homes. It also includes $1.6 million to expand early palliative care for cancer patients in regional communities. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES An additional $250 million will be invested across NSW hospitals under the Critical Asset Maintenance Program, while development continues on the new Single Digital Patient Record system, which will enhance care and improve access to timely treatment and patient information. Read more QUEENSLAND The Queensland 2024-2025 state budget allocates $186.5 million to help long-stay patients return home sooner, improving hospital flow and supporting timely discharge. Read more
  • Allied Health (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant Opportunity: Australian Public Health Small Grants Program provides financial assistance to eligible patients in public health settings, helping them meet essential health and wellbeing needs through applications made by qualified health professionals. Read more Grant Opportunity: Social Enterprise Capability Building Grants provide funding of up to $120,000 to Australian social enterprises and trading Indigenous organisations that deliver social benefits to disadvantaged individuals, helping them grow their impact and enhance their capabilities. Read more Grant Opportunity: Community Supported Small Grants Program provides funding to assist individuals experiencing immediate financial hardship, enabling social workers, case managers or allied health professionals of charitable organisations to support those in need in maintaining essential safety and wellbeing standards. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Cancer Patient Support Program aims to provide high-quality, culturally safe support for all Australians living with cancer, focusing on enhancing equity across tumour types and priority populations through one-off, time-limited activities that address emerging priorities in cancer control. Read more The Diabetes Community Priorities Grants support research projects that address the unmet needs and challenges identified by people living with or at risk of diabetes, with a focus on reducing the disease's burden and improving health outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged, rural, culturally diverse, and priority populations. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $318m over five years to strengthen pharmacy and keep the cost of medicine down. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $101.4m investment in services and support for people living with complex care needs, including better dementia care. Read more The Specialist Dementia Care Program (SDCP) is an Australian Government initiative aimed at providing specialised residential support for individuals with severe dementia, with plans to establish 35 units across Primary Health Network regions to enhance care and facilitate transitions to less intensive settings, currently progressing through Phase Two Grant opportunities for additional providers. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $361 million over four years will fund Primary Health Networks, in collaboration with general practices, to hire mental health nurses and other allied health professionals who will offer free care coordination and support to patients with complex needs between GP and specialist appointments. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $10.8 million over 2 years will extend the Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program and Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach workforce training programs. Read more Allied Health Professionals Australia (AHPA) provides free resources and guidance to support allied health providers to register with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. AHPA’s provider readiness checklist has important information about being an NDIS provider. Read more The Allied Health Rural Generalist Pathway (AHRGP) is an innovative workforce development strategy, launched in 2013, that enhances access to a highly skilled allied health workforce for rural and remote Australian communities. Read more The Supporting People with Cancer (SPWC) grant program funds community-led, evidence-based projects that aim to reduce the impact of cancer and improve outcomes for all Australians, with a particular focus on achieving equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, by addressing inequities across the cancer journey, supporting priority population groups, and delivering cancer prevention and health promotion activities. Read more The Diabetes Community Priorities Grants, funded by Diabetes Australia, support projects that address the unmet needs and challenges faced by people living with diabetes and their carers, with the goal of reducing the burden of diabetes on individuals and the health system. The grants encourage research and innovative projects that align with the priorities identified by the diabetes community, focusing on consumer and community engagement throughout the project lifecycle. Read more VICTORIA Grant Opportunity: The Regional All Abilities Participation Grants support not-for-profit organisations in regional Victoria to increase sports and recreation opportunities for people with disabilities, offering up to $25,000 for equipment, travel costs, workforce inclusion, and disability-led programs. Read more The Victoria state budget 2024-25includes $41 million to expand maternal, child, and fertility healthcare services, ensuring more families and babies have access to essential care. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES The 2024-2025 NSW budget allocates $111.8 million for expanded mental health care, including services to reduce long-term hospitalisation and establish a dedicated mental health single front door. This includes $30.4 million to expand community mental health teams. Read more
  • Architecture, Design and Build
    NATIONAL The Australian Government is working with senior Australians and the aged care sector to improve the design of residential aged care accommodation in response to recommendation 45 of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety Final Report. From 1 July 2024, new National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines will guide refurbishments and new residential aged care accommodation builds to ensure they promote independence, function and enjoyment for residents and support the delivery of high-quality, safe, respectful and dignified care. Read more The capital grants program offers up to $666.5 million until June 30, 2028, with at least $161 million available annually thereafter, supporting aged care infrastructure projects for First Nations communities, individuals in regional, rural, and remote areas, those experiencing homelessness or at risk, and those with complex needs, including dementia. Read more The Aged Care Capital Assistance Program – Critical Infrastructure Projects provides urgent funding to address infrastructure needs in thin market areas where aged care services face closure or risk to safety. Only invited organisations can apply, and funding supports: Preventing service closures by funding essential infrastructure. Addressing immediate health and safety risks for older Australians and aged care workers. Enabling long-term care solutions in areas with market failure. Read more QUEENSLAND In the 2022–23 Budget, the government provided a $9.785 billion investment to increase bed capacity across the state under the Health and Hospitals Plan, which will deliver 3 new hospitals, 11 major hospital expansions, and a new cancer centre. In 2023–24, Queensland Health will continue the delivery of this program, which has now awarded more than $3 billion of contracts to deliver expansions in Brisbane, Ipswich, Mackay, Logan, Townsville and Cairns. Read more p.38 NEW SOUTH WALES The 2023-24 Budget invests $13.8 billion over 4 years for new and upgraded hospitals, including 600 new beds in Western Sydney Hospitals and $190 million for upgrades to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Read more In regional communities, the NSW Government is investing $3.8 billion in new and upgraded health facilities, including $200 million for the Bathurst Hospital redevelopment and $260 million for a new Eurobodalla Hospital. Read more AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY $870 million in health infrastructure over the next five years to construct new facilities, expand and upgrade existing facilities and continue planning for the future. Read more p.11 VICTORIA The Regional Health Infrastructure Fund, established in 2016 with $790 million in funding, supports eligible rural and regional health services across Victoria by providing grants for infrastructure upgrades, including operating theatre refurbishments, new waiting rooms, accessible paths, additional consulting rooms, and equipment upgrades, to enhance the safety, capacity, efficiency, and amenity of local healthcare services. Applications close Friday January 10th. Read more NORTHERN TERRITORY The Northern Territory 2024-2025 state budget allocates $238.8 million for health infrastructure upgrades across the Northern Territory, including $20 million for a new health centre in Borroloola, which will feature consulting rooms, emergency bays, dental and x-ray facilities, a hearing booth, renal facilities, and a morgue, along with an additional $500,000 for new medical equipment at the centre. Read more WESTERN AUSTRALIA The Western Australia 2024-2025 state budget allocates $1.2 billion for public hospital services to meet the growing demand for healthcare across the state. Read more The Western Australia 2024-2025 state budget includes an additional $839 million in infrastructure investment, bringing the total investment to $3.3 billion. Read more
  • Artificial Intelligence (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant Opportunity: The MRFF 2024 National Critical Research Infrastructure Grant Opportunity provides funding for critical research infrastructure projects in health and medical research, with grants of up to $3 million for Streams 1 and 2, $7 million for Stream 3, and $4 million for Stream 4, available to eligible organisations supporting innovative medical research to improve health outcomes for Australians. Closes March 31st 2025 Read more The Australian Government is committing nearly $30 million to research exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance the healthcare system and improve people’s lives. Ten AI-driven research projects aim to revolutionise healthcare in Australia. Read more The Albanese Government is investing nearly $30 million from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) in 10 grants to leading Australian universities, focusing on innovative uses of artificial intelligence to enhance health services, including improved care for Multiple Sclerosis, prevention of cardiac health issues, and expanded access to skin cancer assessments. Read more Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) will receive $13 million in government funding to enhance its ability to provide timely and reliable advice to the aged care sector on skills, technology, and person-centred care. Read more Federal Budget 2024-2025: $1.5 Million Allocated to Strengthen AI Legislation in Health and Aged Care Settings to the Department of Health and Aged Care. Read more Federal Budget 2024-2025: The budget allocates $39.9 million over five years to enhance the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector, including $21.6 million over four years to establish a restructured National AI Centre (NAIC) and an AI advisory body within the Department of Industry, Science and Resources, along with $15.7 million over two years to bolster industry analytical capabilities and coordinate AI policy development and regulation. Read more Federal Budget 2023-2024: $39.9 million over five years for the development of policies and capabilities to support the safe and responsible adoption and use of artificial intelligence technology. Read more Federal Budget 2024-2025: $1.5 million to strengthen healthcare regulations as part of the Government’s Supporting Safe and Responsible AI measure, which will involve a targeted review of legislation, development of AI clinical guidelines with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, and the establishment of an evidence base for reform through stakeholder consultations. Read more The Australian Government is investing nearly $30 million from the MRFF into research on how artificial intelligence can improve healthcare, along with an additional $27 million for genomics research to enhance the diagnosis of genetic diseases and cancer. Read more QUEENSLAND The Smarter Safer Homes (SSH) smart home platform, funded through a project aimed at validating its capacity to empower older adults in self-managing their lifestyles, utilises sensors to monitor key environmental factors while ensuring participant privacy, and includes a comprehensive monitoring system with cloud computing and dedicated apps for family and service providers, as demonstrated through a randomised controlled trial conducted with three aged care providers in both metropolitan and regional Queensland. Read more
  • Cleaning Products and Services
    NATIONAL If you have a support worker attend a participant’s home who later tests positive to COVID-19, you should organise a one-off professional deep clean of the participant’s home. Two support items are available nationally for Supported Independent Living (SIL) providers who support participants with additional needs, because the participants have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are an identified COVID-19 close contact: – up to $300 for one-off cleaning services – up to $1200 per participant, per day for additional supports for SIL participants experiencing COVID-19 infection. Read more Approved providers can offer certain types of services under the Home Care Packages Program, including cleaning. Read more The NDIS covers activities like cleaning, gardening, and home maintenance under Support Category 1 (Assistance with Daily Living). As a Core Support, these services can be accessed using the funding in your plan's Core budget for help around the house or garden. Read more
  • Complementary Medicine
    NATIONAL Since 2012, the NHMRC has provided over $28 million in funding for investigator-driven research into complementary medicine through its Investigator Grants and Ideas Grants schemes, supporting the evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and mechanisms of complementary therapies. Read more
  • Consumables
    NATIONAL The Aged Care Outbreak Management Supplement funds approved aged care providers. This supplement contributes to the cost of planning for and managing outbreaks, including COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. The funds can be used for the purchase of rapid antigen tests (RAT), personal protective equipment (PPE) and associated workforce requirements. First payments have commenced, with the annual amount weighted over 11 months from 1 February 2024 to 31 December 2024 — you will receive an annual amount of $941.35. There is no need to apply as all eligible providers will be paid this supplement automatically. Read more Starting in May 2025, the Chronic Wound Consumables Scheme (CWCS) will provide coverage for wound consumable products for individuals aged 65 and older, as well as First Nations people aged 50 and older, who have diabetes and suffer from a chronic wound. Read more The Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS) provides funding for medical aids and equipment to eligible Queensland residents who have a permanent and stabilised condition or a disability. The scheme helps people to live at home and avoid early or inappropriate residential care or hospitalisation. Read more The Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP) provides $191 per year to eligible individuals with a Commonwealth Concession Card who incur energy costs for heating, cooling, or essential medical equipment required for medical needs, with payments issued for each piece of equipment and for heating, but not for dependent children. Read more
  • Dental Health and Oral Hygiene
    NATIONAL Federal budget 2024–25: $91.1 million to boost the supply of healthcare in areas of shortage. Primary Health Networks will support health services at risk of closing and the Royal Flying Doctor Service will deliver its health and dental services across outback Australia. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: Allocates $219.4 million over four years, starting in 2023-24, to advance long-term reforms in adult public dental care. This funding will also extend the current Public Dental Services for Adults agreement until June 30, 2025, and support the 2023-2026 National Dental Care Survey. Read more The Australian Dental Foundation’s Aged Care Dental Program offers a comprehensive, cost-effective dental solution for seniors in aged care facilities and residential living complexes, addressing the management and prevention of oral conditions through a fully functional mobile dental team equipped with portable dental equipment, ensuring that older individuals can maintain good oral hygiene and quality of life despite common barriers to accessing traditional dental care. Read more
  • Exercise and Physiotherapy (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant Opportunity: Australian Public Health Small Grants Program provides financial assistance to eligible patients in public health settings, helping them meet essential health and wellbeing needs through applications made by qualified health professionals. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Active Australia Innovation Challenge, funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Heart Foundation, offers grants to support innovative projects that promote physical activity in schools, universities, and local community groups, particularly targeting those at risk of chronic disease or living in areas with high levels of inactivity, with an emphasis on measurable outcomes and future sustainability. Read more Home Care Packages provide funding based on the level of assessed care needs, with physiotherapy and other allied health services included for individuals with mobility issues, falls risk, or other physical health concerns. Read more For people needing in home disability support, the NDIS can provide funding for numerous services, including allied health therapies. Read more The Chronic Disease Management Plan, also known as the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan, provides a Medicare rebate of $52.95 for up to five physio treatments per year for patients with chronic medical conditions, such as musculoskeletal issues, as determined by a GP. Read more Exercise Right for Active Ageing is a national program for Australians aged 65 and over, supported by the Australian Government and managed by Sport Australia. Funded through the Move It AUS – Better Ageing Grants Program, it subsidises 12 group exercise classes to promote active ageing. Read more The 2024-2025 Federal Budget invests $132.7 million in sport participation and performance programs to support Australians in leading healthier, more active lives. Read more The 2023–24 Budget includes $515 million over five years to support pay increases for aged care workers, through targeted grants and indexation boosts, as well as an additional $10.9 billion over five years via AN-ACC price increases to cover higher provider costs associated with wage rises following the Fair Work Commission’s decision to raise Aged Care Award minimum wages by 15%. Read more
  • Facility Management
    NATIONAL The Australian Government provides funding to residential aged care facilities through programs like the Aged Care Funding Model and Capital Grants Program, supporting ongoing maintenance, upgrades, and the construction of new infrastructure to meet care standards. Read more The Practice Incentives Program (PIP) provides funding to general practices to support continuous improvement, enhance service capacity, and improve access and health outcomes for patients. The program offers various payments to help practices deliver quality care, with funding available for activities such as eHealth, quality improvement, teaching, general practitioner aged care access, Indigenous health, after-hours care, procedural activities, and services in rural locations. Read more Health care facilities and hospitals receive funding from both federal programs like the Health and Hospitals Fund (HHF) and state health departments for the construction, upgrades, and ongoing maintenance of infrastructure and facility management. Read more The Australian Government will contribute $149.8 billion over the next five years to sustain record levels of investment in public hospitals, as part of the 2020–25 National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA). Read more Australian Government investment in hospital funding to states and territories has grown by 145%, from $13.3 billion in 2012–13 to an estimated $27.2 billion in 2022–23, increasing to an estimated $32.7 billion in 2025–26. Read more Federal Budget 2024-2025 allocates $7.8 million over two years from 2024–25 in transitional funding for aged care service providers in thin markets to align with the AN-ACC funding model, alongside an additional $4.1 million over three years from 2023–24 for ICT preparation work to configure the new Basic Care Tariffs. Read more VICTORIA In 2022, the Victorian Government invested $39.6 million to build a new 36-bed, two-storey aged care facility in Camperdown, set for completion in 2025. Read more
  • Fire Safety
    NATIONAL If your residential aged care service is temporarily unable to provide the level of care a resident requires (due to an emergency like a bushfire, for instance), the resident can be relocated to another approved service. When a resident is temporarily relocated, no changes are required to the payment system and you will continue to receive Australian Government subsidies and supplements on behalf of the resident. Read more Each Australian state and territory has its own fire safety regulations that aged care facilities must comply with. These regulations can sometimes be funded through state or local government grants or assistance programs. Aged care providers can explore funding options related to fire safety upgrades through their local state departments or fire authorities. In 2020, the federal, state and territory governments committed to jointly invest $261 million over five years for a Disaster Risk Reduction Package to reduce the risk and impact of natural disasters. Read more The Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) is a $1 billion Australian Government initiative, running over five years from 1 July 2023, to support projects that enhance disaster resilience and risk reduction, focusing on improving understanding of disaster impacts, increasing community preparedness, and reducing the exposure to natural hazards, with up to $200 million allocated for Round Three in 2025-26. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES The NSW Government made automatic fire sprinkler systems mandatory in all residential aged care facilities in 2013. Read more QUEENSLAND $1.04 billion for Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, a record budget amount for 2024-2025. Features of this budget include: Fire and Rescue Stations: $20.7 million allocated for new stations across Queensland. Fire and Rescue Trucks: $18.7 million for new and replacement fire and rescue trucks. Support Vehicles for RFS: $3 million for support vehicles and $11.2 million in capital grants to enhance State Emergency Service (SES) response capabilities. Community Safety Initiatives: Combined funding of $7.6 million over four years for programs like the Bushfire Safety Campaign and Road Attitudes and Action Planning. Read more
  • Flooring
    NATIONAL For NDIS home modifications funding, read more.
  • Food and Beverage
    NATIONAL The Healthy Food Partnership and the Branded Food Database will enhance the food supply and assist Australians in making healthier dietary choices, with funding of $1.4 million. Read more In May 2023, the Federal Government allocated $12.9 million to improve food, nutrition, and dining for older people in aged care, including $7.4 million for the establishment of a Food, Nutrition and Dining Advisory Unit and a dedicated hotline, providing expert support to aged care recipients, families, carers, and providers, as well as funding regulatory activities and education for the sector. Read more The Maggie Beer Foundation, funded by the Australian Government's Department of Health and Aged Care, offers a free education and training program to improve dining, food, and nutrition outcomes for older people in Aged Care, including menu appraisals by dietitians, food satisfaction reports, access to an online portal, and a professional community forum, with a two-year certification awarded to Homes that successfully complete the program. Read more The Hotelling Supplement helps aged care providers cover the costs of hotel services like catering and funds wage increases for head chefs and cooks, replacing the previous Basic Daily Fee supplement, though MPS and NATSIFAC services receive $10 per resident per day through their individual payment methods and are not eligible for the supplement. Read more TASMANIA Variety School Breakfast Club supports Tasmanian schools in providing a nutritious breakfast five days a week, ensuring students receive the best possible start to the day, which has been shown to enhance problem-solving, memory, and concentration, while helping students feel calm and ready to learn. Read more
  • Furniture and Fittings
    NATIONAL The Australian Government has allocated an additional $25 million to the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) to help Home Care Package (HCP) recipients urgently access up to $2,500 for essential goods, equipment, and assistive technology (GEAT), such as mobility aids and specialised chairs. Read more VICTORIA The Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF) provides government funding to rural and regional health services and agencies across Victoria. Read more
  • Health and Hygiene
    NATIONAL The Australian Government is investing over $3.7 million in targeted research to enhance infection prevention and control (IPC) in aged care homes. Read more QUEENSLAND The 2024–25 Queensland Budget is delivering a record investment in Queensland's health system, with growth of 10.6 per cent in operating funding in 2024–25, well above the historical average of 6.9 per cent. Read more
  • Health and Safety
    NATIONAL The 2024-2025 Federal Budget provides $2.2 billion to deliver key aged care reforms and continue implementing recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Read more QUEENSLAND The Eastern Star Foundation offers grants of up to $100,000 per year for up to three years, with a total funding pool of $400,000, to support evidence-based programs or initiatives based in Queensland that enhance the quality of life for older people, particularly those facing mobility issues, sickness, or disease, by helping them remain independent, practice choice, participate in their community, have a support network, and experience healthy ageing. Read more
  • Health and Wellbeing (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant opportunity: Arcare Grants Program. Provides grants to charitable organisations and research institutions that are working to enhance the health and wellbeing of older Australians through supporting innovative ideas and solutions. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Aged Persons Welfare Foundation Grants provide financial support to organisations across Australia that enhance the welfare and quality of life for elderly individuals, particularly those facing disadvantage, loneliness, or a lack of resources. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Honda Foundation Grants provide financial assistance to charities focused on supporting disadvantaged or disabled individuals, those suffering from long-term or life-threatening illnesses, promoting Australian culture, or advancing innovation and new technologies. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Co-Group Grant provides funding to Australian charities (Public Benevolent Institutions) working to relieve poverty and support people with disabilities or older Australians in need. Grants prioritise initiatives that address gaps in NDIS or Aged Care funding, particularly for community-based counselling, home care, and services that enhance quality of life at home. Read more Grant Opportunity: Youngcare’s At Home Care Grants (AHCG) provide one-off funding of up to $10,000 for young people aged 16-65 with high care needs, to help them remain living at home rather than entering inappropriate housing. The grants support items such as medical equipment, home modifications, respite, and support services that cannot be funded through other means like the NDIS. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Active Australia Innovation Challenge offers grants to fund innovative projects that encourage physical activity in schools, universities, community groups, and local councils. Focused on increasing activity in groups at risk of chronic disease and physical inactivity, especially in rural and remote areas, the challenge supports projects that raise awareness of the benefits of physical activity. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Active Australia Innovation Challenge, funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Heart Foundation, offers grants to support innovative projects that promote physical activity in schools, universities, and local community groups, particularly targeting those at risk of chronic disease or living in areas with high levels of inactivity, with an emphasis on measurable outcomes and future sustainability. Read more The Federal Government is investing $56.1 million over four years to enhance women's access to sexual and reproductive healthcare throughout their lives. This initiative includes training GPs to improve menopause care and to become certified in the insertion and removal of long-acting reversible contraceptives. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: Strengthening Medicare with more Medicare Urgent Care Clinics, more free mental health services, higher Medicare rebates for many common medical tests, and over $160 million for a women’s health package. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $266.9 million so Medicare rebates rise each year for nuclear medicine imaging and many common medical tests to reduce waiting times, catch health problems sooner, and prevent patients from having to settle for less appropriate tests. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $49.1 million for higher Medicare rebates to see a gynaecologist for complex conditions like endometriosis, a new medicine for breast cancer, and $56.5 million for new Medicare services for midwives to provide longer consultations before and after the birth of a child. Read more QUEENSLAND Grant Opportunity: The Iwasaki Foundation provides grants to organisations in Central Queensland that support the welfare of aged, infirm, disabled, or needy individuals, with over $2.3 million granted to date, while applicants must be established in specific local authority areas and demonstrate that beneficiaries meet the Foundation's charitable criteria. Read more The Forde Foundation provides targeted financial support through Health and Wellness Grants to individuals who were wards of the State of Queensland, under its guardianship, or residents of a Queensland institution during childhood, focusing on education, employment, health, and wellness. Read more The Queensland 2024-2025 state budget includes an almost $4.4 billion increase in health funding over four years to address growing demand and cost pressures, while continuing to support initiatives that ensure quality health services for all Queenslanders. Read more AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY The ACT Seniors Grants fund projects that help older Canberrans engage in community life, focusing on issues like elder abuse, social inclusion, and the needs of diverse seniors. Eligible non-profit organisations based in the ACT can apply if they meet specific requirements. Applications close January 28 2025 Read more NORTHERN TERRITORY Grant Opportunity: The Healthy Lifestyle Grants Program invites eligible organisations in the Northern Territory can access funding to enhance health in various community settings by promoting healthy food, increasing food security, encouraging physical activity, and supporting partnerships for wellbeing, Applications close March 1 2025. Read more The Northern Territory Government is providing $100,000 per year to support the Men’s Places Grants, offering up to $10,000 per applicant for a variety of activities aimed at improving men's health, wellbeing, skills development, education, and community support, in line with the Territory's Gender Equality Action Plan. Applications close March 31 2025 Read more The Northern Territory 2024-2025 state budget allocates $47 million for maternity services in Territory hospitals, including 28 beds at Royal Darwin Hospital, 16 at Alice Springs Hospital, and 10 same-day beds. Read more VICTORIA The Felton Bequest provides grants to support projects that enhance the physical and emotional health of women, children, and young people in Victoria, particularly those that assist vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, improve access to healthcare, address early intervention and prevention, and have the potential for broader impact, with a focus on initiatives requiring seed funding and addressing urgent needs. Read more WESTERN AUSTRALIA The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) Regional Grants Program provides funding of up to $5,000 for eligible organisations, including incorporated not-for-profit community organisations, regional local government authorities, and unincorporated community groups (applying through an auspice), to deliver events and activities in regional Western Australia that raise awareness of elder abuse and mark WEAAD on 15 June each year. Read more
  • Hearing
    NATIONAL Grant Opportunity: Deaf Connect provides a $300,000 investment for the Deaf community, made possible through their Deaf Lottery, to support initiatives that promote recreational, career-oriented, and wellbeing goals for Deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing Australians. Read more Hearing Australia offers two funding options under the Australian Government Hearing Services program: the Voucher Program, which provides financial assistance for hearing aids and related services, and the Community Service Obligations (CSO) Program. Read more The Hearing Services Program funds service providers to operate their hearing services — including assessments, rehabilitation and devices — for eligible Australians with hearing loss. Read more Hearing services in Australia are funded by the HSP and the NDIS. Read more Assistive listening devices (ALDs) are available via the Australian Government Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Read more
  • Infection Prevention and Control
    NATIONAL The Federal Government is allocating more than $3.7 million in funding for targeted research aimed at improving infection prevention and control (IPC) in aged care homes, demonstrating its commitment to delivering high-quality, person-centred care for older Australians. Read more The Aged Care Outbreak Management Supplement funds approved aged care providers. This supplement contributes to the cost of planning for and managing outbreaks, including COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. The funds can be used for the purchase of rapid antigen tests (RAT), personal protective equipment (PPE) and associated workforce requirements. First payments have commenced, with the annual amount weighted over 11 months from 1 February 2024 to 31 December 2024 — you will receive an annual amount of $941.35. There is no need to apply as all eligible providers will be paid this supplement automatically. Read more The 2023–24 Federal Budget allocated $91.1m to establish an interim Australian Centre for Disease Control in the Department of Health and Aged Care and replenish the National Medical Stockpile. Read more $19.7m to continue the National Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infection Strategies. Read more from the 2023-24 Federal Budget Federal Budget 2024-25: The Australian Government is investing over $3.7 million in targeted research to enhance infection prevention and control (IPC) in aged care homes. Read more Federal Budget 2024-25: $1.3 billion to prevent illness, detect disease earlier, treat chronic conditions and reaffirm the importance of community and elite sport in encouraging an active, healthy life. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES Grant Opportunity: The Primary Care Impact Grants, offered by Healthy North Coast, provide funding to local healthcare providers to improve care for chronic diseases through proactive prevention and team-based management. These grants focus on reducing chronic disease risk via early intervention and health promotion, as well as empowering multidisciplinary care teams to deliver comprehensive, patient-centered support. Read more
  • Kitchen and Catering
    NATIONAL Meals on Wheels Australia is funded by member subscriptions, corporate partnerships, donations and occasional government sponsorship or grants. Currently, member services collectively deliver more than two thirds of meal services provided under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), a government program that supports Australians to live independently in their homes. Read more
  • Laundry and Linen
    QUEENSLAND Group Linen Services is one of the largest linen services in Australia and provides specialist healthcare linen hire, sourcing, distribution and laundry services. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES Linen Services supplies clinically safe linen to NSW hospitals to support patient care. Read more
  • Lighting, Solar and Sustainability (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant Opportunity: The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) incentivises Australian businesses to adopt new practices and technologies by allowing them to earn carbon credit units for every tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent they store or avoid emitting, thereby encouraging reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and promoting carbon storage activities. Read more The Green Guys Group leverages government funding initiatives across various Australian states, such as the Energy Savings Scheme, Victorian Energy Upgrades, Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme, and Emissions Reduction Fund, to provide nationwide project management and delivery for LED lighting upgrades through subsidy packages that significantly reduce costs. Grant Opportunity: The Seedling Bank Grants, launched in 2019 by Planet Ark, provide financial support to schools and community groups across Australia to supply native seedlings for planting, helping to restore the Australian landscape. With no upper limit on funding requests, the program supports projects of all sizes, aiming to continue the success of National Tree Day, which has seen nearly 26 million trees planted since 1996. Read more In 2024, homeowners and facilities can take advantage of various solar panel installation rebates and grants, potentially receiving money back on their installations; to check eligibility, inquire through the Energy Scheme. To assist hospitals and healthcare facilities in installing commercial solar systems, there are a number of government incentives available. Read more The Energy Resilience Community Fund (ERCF) offers grants to community organisations, local councils, small businesses, and not-for-profits within AusNet's electricity distribution area to help build and strengthen community energy resilience, with funding available for projects that enhance energy resilience through solutions like backup power systems, training, and educational initiatives. Read more The Sustainability Incentives Scheme provides cash back to residents, businesses, and groups to help offset the costs of adopting sustainable practices and technologies, such as solar PV, energy storage, electric vehicle charging stations, insulation, switchboard upgrades, and resource recovery, while also boosting property value and supporting the Council's carbon emission reduction goals. Read more VICTORIA The Regional Health Solar Fund is a $13.5 million initiative funded by the Victorian Government to install solar panels in regional and rural public health services across Victoria. Read more The Victorian Budget includes $38 million to continue the success of Solar Victoria, offering an additional 35,000 energy-efficient hot water rebates. By switching to a heat pump or solar hot water system, the average household can save up to $400 annually on their electricity bills. Read more The ServiceNow Community Improvement Fund supports impactful decarbonisation projects in Victoria and New South Wales by providing funding to schools and registered non-profit organisations to either launch a new project from a curated selection or expand an existing one, with the ultimate goal of improving community quality of life and having a positive environmental impact. Read more QUEENSLAND The Energex-Ergon Community Fund provides funding for projects that build community resilience, support disaster recovery, promote renewable energy, and improve mental health and wellbeing, with grants available for initiatives in storm preparedness, energy education, infrastructure upgrades, and cultural reconnection, in Energex’s South East Queensland network area and Ergon Energy Network across Queensland. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES The ServiceNow Community Improvement Fund supports impactful decarbonisation projects in Victoria and New South Wales by providing funding to schools and registered non-profit organisations to either launch a new project from a curated selection or expand an existing one, with the ultimate goal of improving community quality of life and having a positive environmental impact. Read more The Essential Grants Program provides financial support to community groups within Essential Energy's network area, funding initiatives that promote environmental sustainability, energy transition, education, and resilience, with a focus on projects that benefit regional communities and align with Essential Energy’s sustainability strategies. Read more SOUTH AUSTRALIA The Circular Business and Market Development Grants support businesses, local authorities, industry groups, not-for-profits, social enterprises, and research institutions in South Australia to accelerate the transition to a circular economy by funding projects that focus on innovative business models, recycling, refurbishing, or expanding markets for recycled or refurbished products, in alignment with South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2020-2025. Read more
  • Management Software
    NATIONAL The 2024–2025 budget allocates $1.4 billion to upgrade technology systems and digital infrastructure across the aged care sector, including funding to sustain current systems and support the implementation of the new Aged Care Act. Read more To find software developers that provide software for aged care, read more. As part of the 2021–22 Budget, the Australian Government announced support for residential aged care facilities (RACFs) to improve medication management and patient safety — funding to implement an Electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) system. Read more
  • Medical Storage Solutions
    NATIONAL Physical storage and data storage are both integral in helping the healthcare system run efficiently.
  • Medical Supplies and Equipment (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant opportunity: Home Support Grants. The Youngcare Home Support Grant provides up to $10,000 for essential equipment (up to $20,000 in extreme circumstances), home modifications and services such as respite or in-home care, household items and utilities that are unable to be funded by the NDIS. Eligible organisations can apply on behalf of individuals. Read more Grant opportunity: The Humpty Dumpty Foundation. Funds life-saving medical equipment for Neonatal Units and Paediatrics Wards in public hospitals. Read more The Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP) provides $191 per year to eligible individuals with a Commonwealth Concession Card who incur energy costs for heating, cooling, or essential medical equipment required for medical needs, with payments issued for each piece of equipment and for heating, but not for dependent children. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $69.8 million to increase the number of Medicare eligible MRI machines. Every single practice with MRI equipment will be able to provide Medicare funded services. Read more The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) provides a subsidy towards the cost of assistive technology (AT) items and/or modifications. SWEP provides services and systems that support consumers, and the practitioners who work with them, to access AT items that meet their goals and needs. Read more QUEENSLAND $10.8 million in 2023–24 for an additional 40 new ambulance vehicles and critical equipment to support and equip frontline ambulance operatives. Read more The Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS) provides subsidised assistive technology to eligible Queensland residents with a permanent, stabilised condition or disability, helping them live independently at home and avoid unnecessary residential care or hospitalisation, with applications submitted by approved prescribers on behalf of the applicants. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES The NSW Government is supporting people with specific, short-term, or ongoing health needs by providing appropriate assistive technology through the Aids and Equipment Program. Read more WESTERN AUSTRALIA WA Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP): For the provision of equipment and home modifications to people with long-term health, disability or age-related functional impairment. GPs or allied health professionals can check patient eligibility and refer them to their local CAEP Service Provider. Read more NORTHERN TERRITORY The 2024-2025 budget includes $3 million allocated for acquiring new capital equipment aimed at improving patient outcomes in the Northern Territory. Read more
  • Mental Health (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Run by Anglicare and funded by the Australian and NSW Governments, the Suicide Prevention for Seniors Program is for anyone who works with or supports older people, and is QIP accredited against the Suicide Prevention Australia Standards. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund, with individual grants of up to $1 million, provides vital funding to support the renewal, reconfiguration, and refurbishment of mental health facilities across Victoria, aiming to enhance safety, improve patient outcomes, support growing demand, and strengthen local economies while ensuring a secure and efficient environment for both consumers and staff. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Medicare Mental Health Centres Centralised Tele-Psychology and Tele-Psychiatry Service grant aims to establish and operate a centralised service by creating a pool of clinical psychologists and psychiatrists to enhance the clinical capacity of Medicare Mental Health Centres, providing primary and secondary consultations as part of a multidisciplinary team to support individuals with complex mental health needs. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $361 million over four years to expand the range of free mental health services. This includes launching a new national early intervention service, free mental health services through a network of 61 walk-in Medicare Mental Health Centres, and funding Primary Health Networks, in partnership with general practices, to bring on mental health nurses and other allied health supports to provide free care coordination and support to patients with complex needs. Read more The Community Project Funding offers up to $50,000 for two projects focused on improving women’s mental health in Australia, prioritising initiatives that address the needs of women in Indigenous communities and young women under 30, with an emphasis on impact, reportability, and awareness, for registered charities with DGR status. Read more The Australian Government is investing $14 million from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) into research aimed at protecting the mental health of future generations in 2024–2025. Read more People struggling with or at risk of harmful alcohol and illicit drug use will benefit from $41.6 million in extended funding from the 2024-2025 budget for 20 treatment and prevention services. Read more The Million Minds Mental Health Research Mission by MRFF is investing $125 million to support a million Australians with mental health issues. This funding will enable access to new approaches to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Read more QUEENSLAND The Queensland Mental Health Commission is offering grants (Better Future Grants) up to $250,000 for initiatives that trial innovative approaches and build the evidence base to drive system reform aligned with: - Shifting minds: The Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan 2023-2028. Read more - Every life: The Queensland Suicide Prevention Plan 2019-2029 (Phase Two). Read more - Achieving balance: The Queensland Alcohol and Other Drugs Plan 2022-2027. Read more The Mental Awareness Foundation (MAF) offers grants to registered charities in Queensland working in the mental health sector, providing large grants of $25,000 and small grants of $5,000 to $10,000, with a focus on supporting innovative projects that raise mental health awareness, prevent mental illness, and engage consumers in the development and implementation of initiatives. Read more $150 million for a new mental health facility for Redland Hospital. Read more from the 2023-24 State Budget Mental health services received a $301.4 million boost, delivering the $1.645 billion Better Care Together: a plan for Queensland’s state-funded mental health alcohol and other drug services to 2027. Read more from the 2023-24 State Budget The Queensland 2024-2025 state budget allocates $13 million to embed mental health clinicians in emergency departments, enhancing support for individuals in crisis. Read more The Queensland 2024-2025 state budget includes $31.3 million to promote mental health and wellbeing initiatives, along with social programs and alcohol and other drug responses that extend beyond the health system. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES The 2024-2025 NSW state budget allocates $111.8 million for expanded mental health care, including services to reduce long-term hospitalisation and establish a dedicated mental health single front door. This includes $30.4 million to expand community mental health teams. Read more The Primary Prevention MYP Grant Program funds NSW-based organisations or partnerships already working on primary prevention of family, domestic, and sexual violence in local, place-based settings, with a focus on long-term, community-driven initiatives aimed at measuring attitudinal changes over a three-year period, and eligible applicants include local governments, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs), and registered not-for-profit organisations. Read more VICTORIA The Regina Brindle Grant Program provides up to $5,000 annually to support grassroots, consumer-led projects in Victoria that elevate consumers' voices and address barriers to social inclusion, stigma, and discrimination in the alcohol and other drug (AOD) and mental health and wellbeing (MHW) sectors, with a focus on community engagement, education, and human rights. Read more WESTERN AUSTRALIA The WA Suicide Prevention Grants Program offers up to $1 million (excluding GST) to fund locally developed projects and programs aimed at preventing suicide among groups disproportionately impacted, such as Aboriginal peoples, young people, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and more, with a focus on evidence-based initiatives that promote mental health, reduce stigma, and enhance community support, with eligible projects running from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2027. Read more
  • Mobility
    Variety Victoria provides year-round grants to assist Victorian children aged 17 or under with a medically diagnosed chronic illness or disability in purchasing mobility equipment, communication devices, and essential medical items, with eligibility based on household income below $200,000 and a supportive recommendation from a healthcare professional. Read more The Eastern Star Foundation offers grants of up to $100,000 per year for up to three years, with a total funding pool of $400,000, to support evidence-based programs or initiatives based in Queensland that enhance the quality of life for older people, particularly those facing mobility issues, sickness, or disease, by helping them remain independent, practice choice, participate in their community, have a support network, and experience healthy ageing. Read more
  • Nutritional Care
    NATIONAL The Maggie Beer Foundation, funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, is offering a 12-month Trainer Mentor Program, which pairs aged care home kitchen teams with a qualified chef trainer — helping staff improve, meet regulatory requirements, and enhance the quality of life for older people. Read more In May 2023, the Federal Government allocated $12.9 million to improve food, nutrition, and dining for older people in aged care, including $7.4 million for the establishment of a Food, Nutrition and Dining Advisory Unit and a dedicated hotline, providing expert support to aged care recipients, families, carers, and providers, as well as funding regulatory activities and education for the sector. Read more The Basic Daily Fee (BDF) supplement supports aged care providers to deliver better care and services to residents, with a focus on food and nutrition. Read more The 2024-2025 Health and Aged Care Budget includes $1.4 million to support better nutrition for Australians, with funding for the Healthy Food Partnership and the Branded Food Database, aimed at improving food supply and helping individuals make healthier food choices. Read more
  • Optometry
    NEW SOUTH WALES ​​The NSW Spectacles Program provides free glasses and vision aids to financially disadvantaged residents. Read more VICTORIA The Glasses for Kids initiative has been allocated $2.9 million in the 2023/24 Budget to continue through to 2027, with an additional $6.8 million in the 2024/25 Budget to expand access to vision screening, eye testing, and free glasses for up to 74,000 eligible Prep to Year 3 students at 473 more government schools across Victoria. Read more
  • Pain Relief
    NATIONAL Federal budget 2024–25: $469.1 million to reduce patient costs and improve access to medicines, with more funding for Dose Administration Aids and a one-year freeze on the maximum co-payment of a PBS prescription for everyone with a Medicare card, and a five-year freeze for pensioners and other concession cardholders. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $3.4 billion to list new medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), including Tafamidis (Vyndamax®) and mavacamten (Camzyos®). Read more Federal budget 2024–25: Primary health care and chronic pain improved through a $20 million allocation to specific research. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $20 million in research to improve primary care and chronic pain treatment, with $19.6 million through the Medical Research Future Fund’s Primary Health Care Research Initiative. Additionally, $8.8 million in funding will support four projects aimed at easing the burden of chronic pain, including a program to build local health professionals' skills and provide lifestyle support for patients in rural communities. Read more
  • Podiatry
    NATIONAL Approved providers can offer certain types of services, including podiatry, under the Home Care Package Funding Program. Read more The Australian health system may fund podiatry and foot care support through NDIS if they are related to your disability and help you manage activities of daily living, including specialised shoes or treatment for foot problems, particularly if your disability affects sensation in your feet. Read more Podiatry falls within the approved allied health services that are now supported by Medicare with the 2024-2025 budget. Read more
  • Pools and Hydrotherapy (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant Opportunity: Australian Public Health Small Grants Program provides financial assistance to eligible patients in public health settings, helping them meet essential health and wellbeing needs through applications made by qualified health professionals. Read more Hydrotherapy is provided under a Home Care Package when required due to age-related functional decline, as long as the service is not concurrently funded by another government program, helping individuals maintain independence and live safely at home. Read more
  • Professional Development (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant opportunity: Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP). The RPGP provides grants of up to $32,000 to rural GPs and locums who provide procedural services. This helps with the cost of attending continuing professional development activities, to maintain or increase their procedural and emergency medicine skills (including emergency mental health). Read more Grant Opportunity: RACGP Foundation offers a variety of grants and awards to support practising and academic GPs, GP registrars, and select medical professionals in conducting community-based research aimed at enhancing practice and improving patient outcomes. Read more Grant Opportunity: The General Practice Incentive Fund grant opportunity offers funding to general practices to support continuous improvement, enhance quality care, and improve patient access and health outcomes through various payments for activities such as eHealth, quality improvement, teaching, and aged care access. Read more Grant opportunity: Orthoptics Australia (OA) Research Grants. Offers grants and scholarships aimed at fostering and promoting research and assisting OA members to undertake professional development in the field of orthoptics. These grants are offered to members of the association, and aim to foster and promote clinicians to engage in research and professional development. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $882.2 million to take pressure off hospitals by ensuring older Australians get the medical support they need when they don’t need to stay in hospital, while freeing up beds for other patients who do. Funding will support states and territories to up skill the residential aged care workforce. Read more The Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP) provides scholarships and bursaries to health professionals in rural and remote areas, supporting the cost of postgraduate courses, short courses, workshops, conferences, and vocational training to enhance their skills and capacity, with a focus on medical, nursing, midwifery, allied health, dental, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals, often with a return of service obligation. Read more Free training and education is available to build the skills of aged care staff who look after people who have a life limiting illness. Read more Orthoptics Australia Research Grants are designed to support members in advancing research and professional development within the field of orthoptics. The grants cover a range of opportunities, including funding for research, meeting and event attendance, continuing education, rural access, international travel, and scholarships, all aimed at fostering clinician engagement and growth in the profession. Read more QUEENSLAND $22 million over four years to provide a $5,000 allowance to each final year nursing and midwifery student on placement at a rural or remote Queensland Health facility. Read more from the 2023-24 Federal Budget VICTORIA The General Practice (GP) Grant Program offers Victorian doctors up to $40,000 in funding to support their journey toward becoming a general practitioner. The program aims to increase the number of GP trainee enrolments by providing a $30,000 top-up payment for first-year trainees and an additional $10,000 to assist with the costs of exams undertaken during GP training. The grant is delivered in three payments, helping to ease the financial burden of training while supporting the development of more GPs in Victoria. Read more The Victoria State Budgetallocates $28 million to support the healthcare workforce, funding programs such as Registered Undergraduate Student Nursing and Midwifery positions, along with other training and development initiatives. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES $2.5 billion over 4 years in frontline healthcare workforce to recruit and retain more skilled paramedics, nurses, midwives, allied health workers and clinicians. This includes: - $419.1 million to deliver first steps towards Safe Staffing Levels in NSW Hospitals to recruit an extra 1200 nurses and midwives and help address the nurses shortages. - $121.9 million over 5 years will go towards study subsidies for health workers. Read more The Rural Practice Sustainability Training Grants provide funding of up to $1,000 per eligible practice manager or non-clinical staff member (with a maximum of two staff members per practice per funding round) to support business management upskilling through accredited education, consulting services, and attendance at relevant conferences, available to rural healthcare practices in NSW (MMM 3-7) and Aboriginal Medical Services or Community Controlled Health Organisations (MM 1-7). Read more The DFSV Healing and Recovery Training Scholarships, offering up to $10,000 in funding, are available to eligible organisations in the Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network region to support training that enhances the skills of the primary healthcare and DFSV workforce in delivering effective healing and recovery programs for victim-survivors of domestic, family, and sexual violence. Read more NORTHERN TERRITORY Grant Opportunity: The Continuing Professional Development grant offers eligible health professionals in Modified Monash Model (MMM) 2 locations in the NT up to $1,000 to support course fees and related expenses for their professional development, with prior approval required before pursuing any educational opportunities. Read more
  • Professional Services (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant opportunity: Practice Incentives Program (PIP). Provides funding for general practices to help them continuously improve, provide quality care, enhance capacity, and improve access and health outcomes for patients. The assistance offered is detailed, and various payments are available for quality care activities. This includes payments for eHealth, quality improvement, teaching, general practitioner aged care access, indigenous health, after hours care, procedural activities, and rural locations. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $882.2 million to take pressure off hospitals by ensuring older Australians get the medical support they need when they don’t need to stay in hospital, while freeing up beds for other patients who do. Funding will support states and territories to provide hospital outreach in the community, deliver virtual care to prevent avoidable hospitalisations and upskill the residential aged care workforce. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $227 million to grow the number of Medicare Urgent Care Clinics to 87. This will allow for more patients to get urgent care from a doctor or nurse, and take pressure off busy hospital emergency departments. Read more The Australian Government funds two assessment programs to provide aged care assessment services: Regional Assessment Services (RAS) and Aged Care Assessment Program (ACAP). Read more APM Assessment Services is undertaking assessments in Residential Aged Care Facilities on behalf of the Australian Government's Department of Health and Aged Care in preparation for new funding arrangements. Read more To address healthcare shortages, the 2024-2025 Budget allocates $17.4 million to support health services and practices that are at risk of closing. Read more QUEENSLAND $586.1 million of additional funding for a new 10-year deal for LifeFlight emergency helicopter services, and a further $18.6 million for a new 3-bay hangar at Sunshine Coast Airport. Read more from the 2023-24 State Budget The Queensland Government committed $764 million to reducing ambulance ramping and improving access to emergency departments. Read more from the 2023-24 State Budget Around $224.5 million is being invested in addressing surgery and specialist clinic backlogs, including continuing the planned care recovery initiative created during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more from the 2023-24 State Budget $70.3 million over four years to increase Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme rates by $10 per person per night for accommodation and 4c per kilometre for mileage. Read more from the 2023-24 State Budget NEW SOUTH WALES $170.8 million will see more than 50,000 healthcare workers increase their take-home aftertax pay through better salary packaging. Read more from the 2023-24 State Budget
  • Renovations and Refurbishments (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL The Australian Government pays aged care service providers to deliver aged care. It does this through subsidies and supplements, capital grants and funding through aged care programs. Read more The Aged Care Capital Assistance Program (ACCAP) has allocated up to $666.5 million until June 30, 2028, with at least $161 million available annually from 2028-29 onwards, to build, extend, or upgrade aged care services and staff accommodation in underserved areas, particularly for First Nations communities, people in regional, rural, and remote areas, those at risk of homelessness, and individuals with complex needs, including dementia. Read more The Albanese Labor Government is investing $100 million into 33 Indigenous health infrastructure projects, including the construction of new clinics, renovations of existing facilities, and staff housing, to improve healthcare in First Nations communities, building on previous funding of $120 million and $15 million for similar projects. Read more QUEENSLAND $1.06 billion for expansion of Redcliffe Hospital to deliver 204 extra beds. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES The Asset Refurbishment and Replacement Program (ARRP) is a $500 million, 10-year initiative administered by Health Infrastructure that provides funding for maintenance and seeks to enhance asset management principles across health facilities. Read more VICTORIA The Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF) provides vital government funding to rural and regional health services and agencies across Victoria. Read more
  • Safety and Security
    NATIONAL If your residential aged care service is temporarily unable to provide the level of care a resident requires, the resident can be relocated to another approved service until you can care for them again. You will continue to receive Australian Government subsidies and supplements on behalf of the resident, including any applicable hardship supplement. Read more Federal Budget 2024–25: $110.9 million over four years to enhance the regulatory capacity of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, supporting the implementation of a new regulatory framework under the Aged Care Act starting 1 July 2025, in response to recommendations from the Independent Capability Report. Read more The Commission and the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) have established a Joint Working Party (JWP) to consider potential approaches to pricing for safety and quality in public hospital services in Australia. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES $69.7 million hospital security package in the 2021–22 NSW Budget. Read more QUEENSLAND $4.379 billion allocation for Police and Community Safety and underpins Queensland’s historic Community Safety Plan.
  • Sleep Support
    NATIONAL The ASA is coordinating two Commonwealth-funded primary care grant programs aimed at improving sleep health management in Australia, including developing clinical tools and patient resources for general practitioners, psychologists, nurses, and pharmacists, with programs running from 2022 to 2025 focused on promoting better sleep health and addressing sleep disorders in primary care settings. Read more
  • Social Isolation
    NATIONAL The Albanese Labor Government is providing over $10.3 million in funding through the Strong and Resilient Communities Activity (SARC) – Inclusive Communities grants, awarding up to $360,000 to 34 organisations across Australia to support vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, including disengaged youth, people with disabilities, and unemployed individuals, with a focus on community-driven solutions that promote self-reliance and empowerment. Read more Grant Opportunity: The Aged Persons Welfare Foundation Grants provide financial support to organisations across Australia that enhance the welfare and quality of life for elderly individuals, particularly those facing disadvantage, loneliness, or a lack of resources. Read more The NHMRC's Targeted Call for Research, launched on 5 October 2021, allocated funding to support research that explores how loneliness and social isolation contribute to poor health outcomes and chronic disease management, with the goal of developing interventions, screening tools, and policies to assist individuals facing these challenges. Read more Four research teams have been awarded over $5.5 million in targeted funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to investigate ways to identify and support individuals with chronic diseases who are experiencing loneliness and social isolation, with projects addressing mental illness, alcohol and drug misuse, and the psychological factors contributing to social exclusion. Read more QUEENSLAND The Communities Innovation Fund, a key initiative of the Queensland Government's Communities 2032 plan, will provide up to $200,000 annually from 2022 to 2026 to community organisations for innovative projects that foster meaningful connections for Queenslanders experiencing social isolation and loneliness. In 2023-24, small grants of up to $50,000 were offered to support responses specifically aimed at culturally and linguistically diverse communities, with five organisations receiving over $200,000 in total funding. Read more The Queensland Government is providing an additional $12.5 million in funding over five years to support social connections among older Queenslanders, building on a $20.5 million investment to expand Seniors Social Isolation Services, with priority funding for regional and remote areas, as well as First Nations older peoples. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES The NSW Government is investing $840,000 in the Connecting Seniors Grant Program to support projects and initiatives aimed at building lasting social connections and reducing isolation for older people aged 65 and over, or 50 and over for Aboriginal people, with a focus on fostering intergenerational engagement and reaching those at higher risk of isolation. Read more The NSW Department of Communities and Justice is offering funding through the Reducing Social Isolation Grant program to support projects that help seniors aged 65 and over (or 50 and over for Aboriginal people) connect with others, build lasting relationships, and reduce social isolation, with grants available to local government authorities and not-for-profit community organisations. Read more VICTORIA The Victorian Government is establishing Social Inclusion Action Groups in 10 local government areas to support community-led initiatives that promote social connection, inclusion, and mental health, with each group identifying local needs, developing solutions, and receiving funding through a Local Social Inclusion Investment Fund to support both general and First Nations initiatives. Read more The Victorian Government's Strengthening Seniors Inclusion and Participation in Local Communities initiative addresses social isolation and loneliness among older people by supporting community-based organisations across seven local government areas to enhance service offerings, organisational culture, local connections, and governance, with a focus on building partnerships and capacity that can be replicated statewide. Read more AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY The ACT Seniors Grants fund projects that help older Canberrans engage in community life, focusing on issues like elder abuse, social inclusion, and the needs of diverse seniors. Eligible non-profit organisations based in the ACT can apply if they meet specific requirements. Read more WESTERN AUSTRALIA The Cook Government's Age-friendly Communities Grants Program is providing $220,000 in funding to 16 Western Australian organisations and local governments, with grants of up to $15,000 supporting initiatives that promote positive ageing, community participation, and social inclusion for older people, including projects aimed at joining the World Health Organisation's Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities. Read more
  • Staffing and Recruitment
    NATIONAL The Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) improves access to quality medical, nursing and allied health services in regional, rural and remote areas. Its financial incentives encourage doctors to work in these areas and support medical practices to employ nurses, midwives and eligible allied health professionals. Read more Funding of $88.4 million will enhance staffing solutions to improve conditions for the aged care workforce, increase the number of home care workers in regional, rural, and remote areas facing acute shortages, and extend support for better career pathways for nurses in aged care. The Regional Worker Accommodation Fund provides financial support for projects that create affordable housing and accommodation for key workers and their families in regional communities, with the aim of increasing housing supply, supporting economic growth, and improving access to services, without a minimum co-contribution requirement, though applicants are encouraged to contribute to the project budget. Read more To attract and retain aged care workers, the government plans to further invest in existing workforce programs, including $65.6 million over four years from 2024–25 to gather more reliable data and enhance outcomes for individuals receiving aged care services. The Home Care Workforce Support Program will receive $21.6 million over three years from 2024–25 to ‘facilitate the growth of the care and support workforce in thin markets’. Read more $81.8 million for changes to scholarship arrangements. Focusing on nursing, midwifery, First Nations health workers and international medical graduates, these scholarships will assist workforce shortages in regional and rural areas, including aged care. Read more The Community Development Program (CDP) is a remote employment and community development service administered by the National Indigenous Australians Agency. Read more QUEENSLAND The government is providing financial assistance of up to $10,000 to eligible Senior homeowners aged 60 and over in specific Queensland areas, such as Townsville and Cairns, to install security measures like window locks, CCTV cameras, and other home security improvements. Read more The 2024-25 State Budget allocates more than $1 billion (budget to budget) extra for frontline workforce growth. This translates to an additional 700 doctors, 2,600 nurses and midwives, and 1,000 allied health staff across budgets. Read more The Workforce Attraction Incentive Scheme, running from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2026, offers financial incentives of up to $70,000 for healthcare workers relocating to rural and remote Queensland, with separate incentives for interstate and international workers moving to Queensland Health, as well as additional payments for those taking up roles in underserved regions. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES $438.6 million in recruiting an extra 500 rural and regional paramedics to address the shortage of first responders and improve ambulance response times. Read more from the 2023-24 State Budget As part of the $274.7 million Essential Health Services Fund, new hospitals across NSW will receive 250 healthcare workers, including nurses and doctors, to support their operations. Read more WESTERN AUSTRALIA The Western Australia 2024-2025 state budget includes $405 million for health services in regional areas, with additional funding dedicated to regional workforce initiatives. Read more SOUTH AUSTRALIA The South Australia 2024-2025 state budget allocates $742.3 million over five years to address activity demand pressures in the public health system and ensure it is adequately and permanently resourced to meet higher levels of demand in the future. Read more TASMANIA The Rural General Practice Settlement Incentive provides financial support to Vocationally Registered GPs who choose to settle in prioritised rural and regional locations in Tasmania (MMM 3-7), with a focus on practices connected to District Hospitals and Multipurpose Centres, as well as the New Norfolk District Hospital Services in MMM 2, requiring GPs to work at least 0.5 FTE for 47 weeks annually to be eligible. Read more
  • Technology (Grant Opportunity)
    NATIONAL Grant opportunity: ARIIA x MDPP Ideas Incubator. Aims to support early-stage product or technology innovation ideas to be developed for aged care. Successful applicants will be provided with up to 250 hours of professional technical expertise by Flinders University engineers, which may include proof of concept research, prototyping or product technical validation. Read more Grant opportunity: The Building Digital Skills grants, offered by Good Things Foundation, provide up to $20,500 to community organisations in Australia to deliver free Be Connected digital literacy programs, helping Australians aged 50+ develop their digital skills and confidence through mentoring sessions and a range of learning resources. Read more Grant opportunity: The New Treatment Accelerator Grant provides funding to Australian researchers for projects at any stage (preclinical to clinical) aimed at significantly accelerating treatments for pancreatic cancer, growing research capacity, enhancing research translation, and working towards the goal of tripling survival rates for pancreatic cancer by 2030. Read more The Support at Home (SaH) Program provides one-off grants of $10,000 to HCP and CHSP providers for IT system upgrades, ensuring compliance with new reporting obligations under the SaH program, the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), and the Aged Care Act 2024, ahead of the SaH program's full implementation in July 2025. Read more Grant opportunity: The Honda Foundation Grants provide financial assistance to charities focused on supporting disadvantaged or disabled individuals, those suffering from long-term or life-threatening illnesses, promoting Australian culture, or advancing innovation and new technologies. Read more Grant opportunity: The Active Australia Innovation Challenge, funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Heart Foundation, offers grants to support innovative projects that promote physical activity in schools, universities, and local community groups, particularly targeting those at risk of chronic disease or living in areas with high levels of inactivity, with an emphasis on measurable outcomes and future sustainability. Read more Federal budget 2024–25: $1.4 billion will be allocated to upgrade technology systems and digital infrastructure across the sector, including funding to maintain current systems and support the implementation of the new Aged Care Act. Federal budget 2024–25: $47.5 million over four years (and $14.1 million per year ongoing) to expand Healthdirect Australia, providing national and state-based virtual health services to help consumers access the most appropriate care. Read more The Digital Mental Health Program will provide funding from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2028, to enhance access to digital mental health support for all Australians, focusing on general education, clinician-supported online treatment, and services targeting priority populations. Read more The Little Phil Foundation’s grant is designed to support Australian nonprofits in enhancing their digital marketing and fundraising capabilities, helping them build a digital supporter base, adopt digital tools, and increase engagement, while also enabling them to address at least one of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Read more The budget allocates $174.5 million over two years from 2024–25 to fund the ICT infrastructure for the Support at Home Program and the Single Assessment System, which assess individuals' care needs and service eligibility. The 2023-2024 budget allocated $1.2 billion over five years for ICT (information and communication technologies) infrastructure to maintain legislative compliance and ensure the successful implementation of new reforms. As part of the 2023–24 federal Budget, $15 million in funding was provided to establish a national partnership between the Australian Government, the Australian Digital Health Agency, the CSIRO, and HL7 Australia, resulting in the launch of Australia's first Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) accelerator, Sparked. Read more For health technologies and digital health initiatives and programs funded by the Australian Government. Read more The Centre for Appropriate Technology (CAT) works to secure sustainable livelihoods for communities of Indigenous people through appropriate technology. Read more The MRFF will provide $600 million of funding for medical research from 2024-2025, this is distributed in various grants centred around research infrastructure used to conduct world class health and medical research. Review current MRFF grant opportunities here. Read more The The 2024–25 Budget allocates $1.2 billion over five years from 2023–24 to support ICT infrastructure for aged care reforms, ensuring legislative compliance and successful implementation, along with an additional $174.5 million over two years from 2024–25 to fund ICT infrastructure for the Support at Home Program and Single Assessment System. Read more QUEENSLAND The Queensland 2024-2025 state budget invests $27 million in virtual care, including the state’s first virtual hospital and virtual emergency care service, to improve access to healthcare across the state. Read more
  • Telehealth
    NATIONAL Grant opportunity: The Medicare Mental Health Centres Centralised Tele-Psychology and Tele-Psychiatry Service grant aims to establish and operate a centralised service by creating a pool of clinical psychologists and psychiatrists to enhance the clinical capacity of Medicare Mental Health Centres, providing primary and secondary consultations as part of a multidisciplinary team to support individuals with complex mental health needs. Read more The Australian Government is helping ensure the quality and safety of telehealth, with $5 million worth of research into how telehealth can achieve positive health outcomes for Australians. Federal budget 2024-25: $47.5 million over four years from 2024–25 (and $14.1 million per year ongoing) to expand Healthdirect Australia to provide national and state‐based virtual health services to assist consumers access the most appropriate care. Read more Federal Budget 2024–2025: $37 million investment will be allocated to the My Aged Care Contact Centre to reduce call-waiting times for individuals seeking information and access to aged care services. Read more QUEENSLAND There is funding available for a range of telehealth enabled clinical services provided and received in Queensland, but will differ depending on the funding arrangements of the facility, private practice arrangements as a clinician, the compensability status of the patient, and the type of patient care. Read more about telehealth funding here, and read more about Queensland Health funding models here. The Queensland 2024-2025 state budget invests $27 million in virtual care, including the state’s first virtual hospital and virtual emergency care service, to improve access to healthcare across the state. Read more
  • Waste Management (Grant Opportunity)
    QUEENSLAND $247.8 million over five years will support the ongoing delivery of the 10-year $2.1 billion Waste Package. This funding will assist South East Queensland, regional, and First Nations councils in implementing their waste management plans, improve waste and recycling efforts, and help Queensland transition to a circular economy. It also includes $131.4 million in annual payments to councils for financial certainty through 2027–28. Read more The Australian Government is investing $250 million through the Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF), which will leverage over $1 billion in total investment from states, territories, and industry to expand recycling infrastructure and increase Australia's processing capacity by over one million tonnes annually. Read more NEW SOUTH WALES Grant Opportunity: Bin Trim Rebates Program. Provides rebates of up to $50,000, covering up to 50 per cent of the capital cost of small-scale, on-site recycling equipment or technology for hospitals. Read more The NSW Government’s "Your Business is Food Aged Care Toolkit" is a free, eight-week online program designed to help aged care facilities reduce food waste by providing clear guidance on data collection, solution design, and staff engagement, ultimately aiming to cut operational costs and support environmental sustainability. Read more
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